Meen Rashi (Pisces) Baby Names For Girls

Meen Rashi (Pisces) Baby Names For Girls
Selecting a name for your daughter who was born under the Meen Rashi (Pisces) can be a fun and significant taking on. Meen Rashi is linked to traits like empathy, creativity, and intuition. These characteristics can be reflected in the names you choose, adding grace and positivity to your child's identity. Meen Rashi provides a wide range of options, each with its own distinct charm, regardless of your preference for traditional or modern names. Explore names that fit with the gentle and creative nature of Pisces to enter a world of fascinated possibilities. This collection guarantees your child a lovely and fortunate beginning by embracing cultural diversity and honoring the innate qualities of Meen Rashi.
Meen Rashi (Pisces) Baby Names For Girls With Meanings
Name |
Meaning |
Chaahana | Longing, affection, desired |
Chaamunda |
Goddess who killed the demons Chanda and Munda
Chaarani | A bird, nomad |
Chaaruvi | Light, brilliant |
Chaarvi | Beautiful |
Chaaya | Shadow, shade, reflection |
Chaayavati | Name of a raga |
Chahana | Longing, desired, affection |
Chaheti | Lovely, lovable for all |
Chahna | Love |
Chainika | Specially selected, chosen one |
Chairavali | Full moon of Chaitra month |
Chaitaalee |
Born in the month of Chaitra, ancient city
Chaitali |
Born in the month of Chaitra, blessed with a good memory
Chaitana |
Perception, intelligence, life, vigor, the sunflower seed
Chaithana |
Perception, intelligence, life, vigor, the sunflower seed
Chaithra | New bright light, Aries sign |
Chaitna | Sunflower seed |
Chaitra | New bright light, Aries sign |
Chaitravi | Born in the month of Chaitra |
Chaitri | Born in spring, beautiful, happy, fresh |
Chaitrika | Very clever |
Chakori | Bird enamored of the moon |
Chakradharini | Goddess armed with a wheel |
Chakria | Goddess Lakshmi, circle of energy |
Chakrika | Goddess Lakshmi, divine wheel |
Chakrikaa | Goddess Lakshmi, divine wheel |
Chakshani | Good looking, brilliant |
Chalama | Goddess Parvati |
Chalsia |
Landing place or port, seaport. Place name
Chambal |
A river in India, covers Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh
Chameli | Creeper with flowers |
Chamini | Unknown |
Champa | A flower |
Champabati | The capital |
Champakali | Bud of Champa |
Champakavathi | Owner of Champak trees |
Champakmala | Garland of Champa flowers |
Champamalini | Garland of Champa flower |
Champika | Little Champa flower |
Chamunda |
Name of goddess who killed the demons Chanda and Munda
Chanakshi | Clever |
Chanasya | Delighting, pleasant, wonderful |
Chanasyaa | Delighting, pleasant, wonderful |
Chanchala |
Restless, active, agile, playful, moving constantly, lightning
Chanchari | Bird, vortex of water |
Chancy | Goddess Lakshmi |
Chanda | The moon |
Chandaa | Moon female |
Chandaghanta | One who has mighty bells |
Chandalini | Glorious |
Chandamundavinashini |
Destroyer of the ferocious asuras Chanda and Munda
Chandana |
Scented wood or sandalwood, perfumed, auspicious
Chandana Laxmi | Sandalwood |
Chandani | A river, moonlight |
Chandanika | Diminutive |
Chandasri |
Moon, cool like the moon, Goddess Lakshmi
Chandhana |
Scented wood or sandalwood, perfumed, auspicious
Chandhini | Moonlight or a river, star |
Chandhraka | The moon |
Chandi | Great goddess |
Chandika | Diminutive of Chandana |
Chandini | Moonlight or a river, star |
Chandni | A river, moonlight |
Chandnika | |
Chandra Vadana | The moon |
Chandrabali | Friend of Lord Krishna |
Chandrabhaga | River Chenab |
Chandrabindu | Crescent moon |
Chandraharika | |
Chandja | Daughter of the moon |
Chandrajyothi | Moonlight |
Chandrajyoti | Moonlight |
Chandrakala | Moonbeams |
Chandrakali | 1/16th of the moon |
Chandrakantha |
The moon, moonstone, consort of the moon
Chandrakanti | Moonlight |
Chandraki | Peacock |
Chandrakin | Peacock |
Chandralekha | Ray of moon |
Chandraleksha | A ray of the moon |
Chandralika | |
Chandramaa | The moon |
Chandramani | Moonstone, jewel |
Chandramasi | Consort of Brihaspati |
Chandramathi | As beautiful as the moon |
Chandramukhi | As beautiful as the moon |
Chandrani |
Consort of the moon (wife of the moon)
Chandraprabha | Star, moonlight |
Chandrapushpa | Star, moonlight |
Chandrarupa |
Goddess Lakshmi, form like the moon
Chandrasahodari | Sister of the moon |
Chandratara | The moon and the stars conjoined |
Chandravadana | Moon-faced, Goddess Lakshmi |
Chandravathi | Lit by the moon |
Chandravati | Lit by the moon |
Chandreyee | Moon's daughter |
Chandrika | Moonlight |
Chandrima | The moon |
Changuna | A good woman |
Chann | Beauteous, beloved |
Channakka | Beautiful lady |
Channaya | Eminent |
Chapala | Restless, lightning |
Chara | Quiet and frisky |
Charani | A bird, nomad |
Charanya | Good attitude |
Chardy |
Burning fire that desires love and yet is always alone
Charishma | Blissful |
Charita |
Good, clean character, warm-hearted, scented wood
Charitavya | |
Charitha |
Good, clean character, warm-hearted, scented wood
Charithra | History |
Charithriya | History |
Charithya | Good, clean character |
Charitra | History |
Charitrya | History |
Charmi | Charming, lovely |
Charmy | Charming, lovely |
Charuhasa | Goddess Durga, charming smile |
Charukeshi | Name of a raga |
Charul | Beautiful |
Charula | Beautiful |
Charulata | Beautiful creeper |
Charulatha | Beautiful creeper |
Charulekha | Beautiful picture |
Charumathi | Beautiful mind |
Charumati | Beautiful mind |
Charunetra | One with beautiful eyes |
Charuprabha | Beautiful |
Charuroopa | Goddess Durga, exquisite form |
Charusheela | Beautiful woman, beautiful jewel |
Charushila | Beautiful woman, beautiful jewel |
Charusila | Beautiful woman, beautiful jewel |
Charusmita | Beautiful smile |
Charusmitha | Beautiful smile |
Charuta | Beautiful girl, loveliness |
Charutha | Beautiful girl, loveliness |
Charuvardhani | Name of a raga |
Charvi | Beautiful |
Chasmitha | |
Chathura | Wise, clever |
Chatima | Beautiful |
Chatura | Wise, clever |
Chaturbhuja | Strong |
Chaturvi | Gods prasadam |
Chaturya | Wise, clever |
Chaula | A buck, deer, name of a well |
Chaunta | One who outshines the stars |
Chavi | Ray of light, reflection |
Chavishka | Water, sky |
Chaya | Shadow, shade, reflection |
Chayana | The moon |
Chayanika | The chosen one |
Chayla | Fairy |
Cheena | Pure white marble |
Chellam | Pampered |
Chellamma | Pampered girl |
Cheranya |
Supportive; modification of the name Saranya
Cherika | The moon |
Cheshta | To try, desire |
Cheshtaa | To try, desire |
Chetaki | Conscious |
Chetal | Having life, vitality |
Chetana |
Perceptive, consciousness, life, excellent intelligence
Chethana |
Perceptive, consciousness, life, excellent intelligence
Chethanya | |
Chethasaa | By consciousness |
Chethna |
Perceptive, consciousness, life, excellent intelligence
Chetna |
Perceptive, consciousness, life, excellent intelligence
Chetsi | |
Chikku | Sweet, fruit |
Chilanka |
Musical instrument worn by the dancer
Chimaye |
Wonderful, loved, blissful, sent from God
Chimayi |
Wonderful, loved, blissful, sent from God
Chinitya | Shobamaina |
Chinnamastika | Goddess Durga, without a head |
Chinta | Tension |
Chintal | Thoughtfulness |
Chintana |
Meditation, intelligent, thoughtful, contemplation
Chintanika |
Meditation, intelligent, thoughtful, contemplation
Chinthamani | Philosopher's stone, a jewel |
Chinthana |
Meditation, intelligent, thoughtful, contemplation
Chippi | Pearl, something very special |
Chirantana | Long life |
Chirasvi | |
Chistha | River tributary |
Chita | Death-bed |
Chithanya | Energy, enthusiasm |
Chithanyalatha | |
Chithira | Name of a star |
Chithra |
Painting, picture, Nakshatra, brilliant, illustrious, excellent, worldly illusion, attractive, heaven
Chithrabhanu | Crown flower plant, fire |
Chithragandha | Fragrant material |
Chithramani | Name of a raga |
Chithrambari | Name of a raga |
Chiti | Love |
Chitkala | Knowledge |