Kark Rashi (Cancer) Baby Names For Boys

Kark Rashi (Cancer) Baby Names For Boys
In the cosmic dance of stars and planets, each zodiac sign holds unique qualities and characteristics. Kark Rashi, or Cancer zodiac sign, brings forth a world of tenderness and emotion. In this enchanting journey of naming your little one, we explore a collection of Kark Rashi baby names for boys. These names are not just a combination of syllables; they encapsulate the celestial essence of the Cancer zodiac, reflecting traits of sensitivity, empathy, and a deep connection to family.
Kark Rashi (Cancer) Baby Names For Boys With Meanings
Name | Meaning |
Haard | Hearts feeling, main, meaning |
Haarit | Plowman, green, ploughman |
Haarith | Plowman, green, ploughman, cultivator |
Hadhi Ram | Friend of Lord Venkateswara |
Hahn | A rooster, snow, made of gold, |
Hajesh | Lord Shiva |
Hakesh | Lord of sound |
Haksh | Eye |
Halik | Ploughman |
Hameer | Very rich king, a raga |
Hamesh | Forever |
Hamir | Very rich king, a raga |
Hamrish | Lovable, helpful |
Haneesh | Lord Shiva, ambition |
Hani | Happy, delighted, content, pleasant |
Hanish | Lord Shiva, ambition |
Hans | Swan, mountain, pure, another name of Surya, soul |
Hansal | God is gracious, swan like |
Hansaraj | King of a swan |
Hanshal | God is gracious, swan like |
Hanshit | Like honey |
Hanshith | Like honey |
Hansik | Swan |
Hansin | The universal soul, |
Hansraj | King of swans |
Hanu | Lord Hanuman, cheek |
Hanumadakshita | Depends and trusts Lord Hanuman to fulfill his task |
Hanuman | The monkey god of Ramayana (son of the wind god; devout of Rama and a leading warrior among monkey tribe) |
Hanup | Sunlight |
Hanvesh | Very soft mind |
Happy | Happy |
Har | Name of Lord Shiva |
Hara | Remover of sins |
Harakodhandarama | Armed with the curved Kodhanda bow |
Haran | Lord Shiva, the one who destroys (Harana) |
Haranadh | Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva's devotee |
Hard | Hearts feeling, main, meaning |
Hardhik | Affectionate, heartfelt, cordial |
Hardik | Affectionate, heartfelt, cordial |
Hare Krishna | Lord Krishna, everything that exists |
Hareendra | Lord Shiva, a tree |
Hareesh | Lord Shiva, Shiva and Vishnu conjoined |
Harekrishna | Lord Krishna, everything that exists |
Harendra | Lord Shiva, a tree |
Haresh | Lord Shiva, Shiva, Lord Har |
Hareshwar | Lord Shiva, Shiva and Vishnu conjoined |
Hargun | One having godly merits |
Hari | The sun, man, green, light, moon, |
Hari Kant | Dear to Lord Indra |
Hari Kishan | Lord of nature |
Hari Krishna | Another name for Lord Krishna |
Hari Narayana | primal person + god in action |
Hari Prasad | Blessed by Lord Krishna |
Hariaksa | Lord Shiva, the eyes of lion, name of Vishnu |
Haricharan | Feet of the Lord |
Harida | Servant of Lord Krishna |
Haridra | Golden colored |
Haridwar | Gateway to God |
Harigopal | Lord Krishna, Lord who is a cowherd |
Harihara | Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva together |
Harihara Putra | Son of Hari (Lord Vishnu) and Hara (Lord Shiva) |
Hariharan | Born out of Hari (Lord Vishnu) and Hara (Lord Shiva) |
Harij | The horizon |
Harikanth | Dear to Lord Indra |
Harikesh | yellow-haired, an epithet of Shiva, |
Harikishan | Lord of nature |
Harilal | Son of Hari |
Harimarkatamarkata | Lord of the monkeys |
Harin | Pure |
Harina | Lord Hari |
Harinaksh | deer-eyed, an epithet of Shiva, yellowish eyes |
Harinarayan | primal person + god in action |
Harinath | Lord Vishnu, similar to Hari, God |
Harinatha | Maha Vishnu |
Harindra | Lord Shiva, a tree |
Harindranath | Lord of Hari |
Harinitha | Carried by Lord Vishnu |
Hariom | Lord Vishnu, name of Brahman |
Haripreet | Beloved of the gods |
Hariraj | King of lions |
Hariram | Lord Rama |
Harisai | Lord Sai |
Harish | Lord Shiva, Shiva and Vishnu conjoined |
Harishankar | Lord Shiva, Vishnu and Shiva conjoined |
Harisharan | Protection of Hari |
Harishchandra | King of Surya dynasty, charitable |
Harishear | |
Harishva | Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva |
Harit | Plowman, green, ploughman, cultivator |
Haritbaran | Haritbaran means green |
Hariteja | Hariteja means Vishnu tejam |
Harith | Harith means plowman, green, ploughman |
Harithik | Harithik means from the heart |
Harivansh | Harivansh means belonging to the family of Hari |
Harivilas | Harivilas means the abode of Hari |
Harjas | Harjas means praise of the god |
Harjeet | Harjeet means victorious, victor |
Harjeevan | Harjeevan means one who lives a god-oriented life |
Harjit | Harjit means victorious, victor |
Harkesh | Harkesh means good |
Harkishan | Harkishan means name of god Vishnu |
Harmendra | Harmendra means the moon |
Harmesh | Harmesh means gods |
Harmin | Harmin means noble, harmony |
Harnish | Harnish means remove the night and spread the light |
Harpit | Harprit means lover of god |
Harprit | Harprit means lover of god |
Harry | Harry means army man |
Harsal | Harsal means delighted, a lover, joyful, glad |
Harsh | Harsh means joy, excitement, happiness |
Harsh Veer | Harsh Veer means happiness, joy, delight |
Harshad | Harshad means one who gives pleasure, delighted, happy |
Harshak | Harshak means delightful |
Harshal | Harshal means delighted, a lover, joyful, glad |
Harshaman | Harshaman means full of joy |
Harshanand | Harshanand means happiness forever |
Harshat | Harshat means happiness |
Harshavardan | Harshavardan means creator of joy, one who increases joy |
Harshavardhan | Harshavardhan means creator of joy, one who increases joy |
Harshda | Harshda means one who gives pleasure, giver of joy |
Harshil | Harshil means joyful, kings of the hills, kind-hearted, delighted |
Harshill | Harshill means joyful, kings of the hills, kind-hearted, delighted |
Harshim | Harshim means pagal, over smart |
Harshith | Harshith means joyous, cheerful, happy |
Harshnil | Harshnil means scared |
Harshu | Harshu means deer |
Harshul | Harshul means deer, funny, cheerful, gregarious, Buddha lover |
Harshvardhan | Harshvardhan means creator of joy, one who increases joy |
Harsit | Harsit means joyous, cheerful, happy |
Harsith | Harsith means joyous, cheerful, happy |
Harteij | Harteij means radiance of lord |
Haryaksh | Haryaksh means Lord Shiva, the eyes of lion, name of Vishnu |
Haryaksha | Haryaksha means eyes of Lord Shiva |
Hasan | Hasan means songs of worship, famous, prayer, praise |
Hasanth | Hasanth means one who delights |
Hashal | Hashal |
Hashan | Chandra (moon), beautiful, handsome |
Hashwardhan | Hashwardhan means king |
Hashwin | Hashwin means happiest |
Hashwindran | Hashwindran |
Hasik | Hasik means smiling, gregarious, funny, delightful |
Hasit | Hasit means laughing, happy, delightful |
Hasith | Hasith means laughing, happy, delightful |
Hasmith | Hasmith means ever-smiling |
Hasmukh | Hasmukh means full of cheer |
Hast | Hast means hand |
Hastin | Hastin means elephant |
Haswanth | Haswanth means joyous |
Haswith | Haswith means happy |
Hasya | Hasya means happy |
Hatish | Hatish means with no desire, simple, not greedy |
Havan | Havan means offering an oblation with fire, sacrifice, another name for Agnni, offering |
Havih | Havih means oblation, offerings |
Havish | Havish means Lord Shiva, sacrifice, one who gives offerings to God |
Havita | Havita |
Hayaan | Hayaan means life |
Hayagriv | Hayagriv means one of Lord Krishna's incarnations, specific to education |
Heer | Heer means powerful, power, diamond, darkness |
Heeram | Heeram means its biblical name |
Heeran | Heeran means lord of the diamonds, immortal |
Heet | Heet means love |
Heetraj | Heetraj means best wishing, lovely raja |
Heeva | Heeva means ultimate |
Hem | Hem means gold |
Hemabindu | Hemabindu means dewdrop |
Hemachandra | Hemachandra means golden moon |
Hemachandran | Hemachandran |
Hemadri | Hemadri means mountain of gold |
Hemakesh | Hemakesh means Lord Shiva, golden-haired, Shiva |
Hemamdar | Hemamdar means golden creeper |
Hemanand | Hemanand |
Hemang | Hemang means one with a shining body |
Hemanga | Hemanga means golden-bodied |
Hemank | Hemank means diamond |
Hemansh | Hemansh means a part of gold |
Hemanshu | Hemanshu means the moon |
Hemant | Hemant means gold or Lord Buddha, early winter |
Hemanth | Hemanth means gold or Lord Buddha, early winter |
Hemanthsree | Hemanthsree means gold and money |
Hemaprakash | Hemaprakash means golden light |
Hemaprasad | Hemaprasad means king of gold |
Hemaraj | Hemaraj means king of gold |
Hemil | Hemil means hem means gold |
Hemin | Hemin means canoe man |
Hemish | Hemish means lord of the earth |
Hemitraa | Hemitraa means lord vishnu |
Hemkar | Hemkar means lord of wealth; lord shiva / vishnu |
Hemkesh | Hemkesh means lord shiva, golden haired, shiva |
Hemkrish | Hemkrish means golden krishna |
Hemnath | Hemnath means gold or lord buddha, early winter |
Hemraj | Hemraj means king of gold |
Hems | Hems means gold |
Hemu | Hemu means gold |
Henil | Henil means foamy |
Henith | Henith means tiger |
Herak | Herak means glory of hera, divine glory |
Heramb | an erudite, respected and calm person |
Heramba | Heramba means mothers beloved son, boastful, name of ganapati |
Herin | Herin means horse-lord |
Herish | the person who feels that what he is doing is actually gods wish |
Herit | Herit means beautiful algonquin |
Heshini | Heshini means rising sun |
Het | Het means love |
Hetaksh | Hetaksh means existence of love |
Hetansh | Hetansh means rising sun; well wisher |
Hetarth | Hetarth means distribute love, well wisher |
Hetash | Hetash means energy |
Hetav | Hetav means gives love |
Hetshree | Hetshree means love of god |
Hetveer | Hetveer means brave love |
Hetvik | Hetvik means lord siva |
Heyansh | Heyansh means heart piece; part of lord shiva |
Heymanpreet | Heymanpreet means god of gold |
Hima Sai | Hima Sai means snow |
Himachal | Himachal means the himalayas |
Himadri | Himadri means snow mountain, the himalayas |
Himaghna | Himaghna means the sun |
Himajesh | Himajesh means lord shiva. consort of himaja (goddess parvati devi) |
Himaksh | Himaksh means him aksh (lord shiva) |
Himal | Himal means ice, snow mountain |
Himalay | Himalay means mountain range |
Himan | himan was the name of one of the famous slaves that had a hand in building the tomb of queen venika |
Himaneesh | Himaneesh means lord shiva, lord of himani (parvati) |
Himangini | Himangini means made of snow |
Himanish | Himanish means lord shiva, lord of himani (parvati) |
Himanjay | Himanjay means winner of snow land |
Himank | Himank means diamond |
Himansh | Himansh means part of shiv |
Himanshu | Himanshu means the moon |
Himansu | Himansu means the moon |
Himanth Raj | Himanth Raj means intelligent |
Himasekhar | Himasekhar means lord shiva, hima - ice + shekhar - peak |
Himavanth | Himavanth means king |
Himesh | Himesh means king of snow |
Himi | Himi means famous, renowned |
Himir | Himir means calm; cold |
Himmat | Himmat means courage |
Himnish | Himnish means lord shiva, lord of the mountain |
Hindol | Hindol means a swing |
Hinesh | Hinesh means king of henna |
Hirak | Hirak means hira |
Hiran | Hiran means lord of the diamonds, immortal |
Hiranmay | Hiranmay means golden, made of gold |
Hiranmaya | Hiranmaya means golden, made of gold |
Hiranyagarbha | Hiranyagarbha means the all powerful creator |
Hiranyak | Hiranyak means name of a maharishi |
Hiranyappa | |
Hirav | Hirav means means greenery. |
Hirdaya | Hirdaya means heart |
Hiren | Hiren means lord of the diamonds |
Hirendra | Hirendra means lord of diamonds |
Hiresh | Hiresh means king of gems |
Hishal | Hishal means gifted |
Hitaish | Hitaish means well wisher, good person, faith |
Hitakrit | Hitakrit means well wisher, well to do |
Hital | Hital means friendly |
Hitansh | hitansh is the wish for our happiness and favorable |
Hitanshu | Hitanshu means well wisher |
Hitarth | Hitarth means distribute love, well wisher |
Hiten | Hiten means the heart |
Hitendra | Hitendra means well wisher |
Hitesh | Hitesh means lord of goodness, lord venkateswara |
Hiteshwar | Hiteshwar means it means, heart of god |
Hithaishin | Hithaishin means one who wishes good |
Hithesh | Hithesh means lord of goodness, lord venkateswara |
Hitraj | Hitraj means best wishing, lovely raja |
Homesh | Homesh means the god of havan |
Honhar | Honhar means excellent |
Hrehaan | Hrehaan means gods chosen one (celebrity name: hritik roshan) |
Hreyansh | Hreyansh means one who have great heart |
Hridaan | Hridaan means gift of heart, preference of heart, who is great heart |
Hridan | Hridan means gift of heart, preference of heart, who is great heart |
Hriday | Hriday means heart |
Hridaya | Hridaya means the heart |
Hridayanand | Joy of the heart |
Hridayanath | Lord of the heart |
Hridayansh | Part of heart |
Hridayanshu | Light from the heart |
Hridayesh | King of heart, Lord of hearts |
Hridaynath | Beloved |
Hridesh | Heart |
Hridhaan | Heart; One with a great heart |
Hridham | Prosperous |
Hridhima | Heart |
Hridik | Lord of the heart, Beloved, Genuine |
Hridith | |
Hridyansh | Piece of heart |
Hridyanshu | Light from heart, Moon |
Hrihaan | Gods chosen one, Lord Vishnu, Destroyer of enemies |
Hrikin | Powerful, Glory |
Hriman | Wealthy |
Hrish | |
Hrishab | Morality |
Hrishan | |
Hrishant | |
Hrishi | Pleasure, Sage, Ray of light, Wise, Pious, Light |
Hrishikesh | One who controls senses |
Hrishikesha | Beyond the reach of five senses |
Hrishiraj | Pleasure |
Hrishit | One who brings happiness |
Hrishul | Happiness |
Hritesh | Lovable |
Hrithesh | |
Hrithik | From the heart, Stream |
Hrithvik | Priest, Saint, Desire |
Hritik | Name of a sage, From the heart |
Hritish | Lord of heart |
Hritvik | Desire |
Hrivaan | |
Hriyaan | Wealth |
Hriyan | Wealth |
Hriyansh | Wealth |
Hrthivik | |
Hruday | Heart |
Hrudaya | Love |
Hrudhai | Heart |
Hrudya | Heart |
Hrushal | |
Hrushikesh | Lord of all senses |
Hrusikesh | |
Hrutesh | Lord of truth, Lord of springs |
Hruthik | Name of an old sage, Lord of heart |
Hryday | Heart |
Hrydayesh | King of heart, Lord of hearts |
Hunar | Good qualities |
Hurditya | Joyous |