Top 10 Best Baby Care Tips for New Moms

Most of the time new moms have a mother or a mother-in-law around to help guide them through a first time pregnancy and birth. There are consultants and experts who can give tips for new moms about taking care of a baby. Taking care of a baby is definitely not rocket science. However, there are many things you should take care of when handling a baby. Let’s go over them.

Cleanliness and Hygiene

This is one of the most important tips for new moms which you should always remember. Although you may have help around the house, there are many ways you can soil your hands, one of them being changing your baby’s diapers. Always ensure your hands are washed and clean before you handle your baby. So if you want to rock your baby to sleep in your arms, change diapers, bathe or simply cuddle your baby in your arms make sure your hands are clean.

Handling a baby

Parents, relatives and friends love to pick up the soft bundle of joy. Always remember a newborn baby cannot support its own head. So when you pick up a baby you should always keep your hands below the neck and head for support. So one of the newborn take care tips is don’t make any sudden movements when the baby is in your arms. The internal organs of the baby are delicate. Similarly, don’t throw your newborn baby in the air playfully.

Tips for new moms about feeding the baby

Feeding is an important part of the mother-baby relationship. The baby will usually want to feed approximately every two hours. If the baby sleeps for more time, then the advice for new moms is to wake the baby up for a feed. The mother should ensure a comfortable body position for herself and the baby so that the baby can breast-feed comfortably. If the baby is being given bottle-feeds (breast milk or formula) ensure the temperature is correct (around 98.5 degrees). Insert the bottle in warm water to heat. Do not microwave. Also don’t shake the bottle too much since it creates air bubbles which may make your child gassy. Burping is a necessary part of feeding. Hold the baby over your shoulder, taking care of the head, and pat gently. You can lay the baby down after the baby burps. If the baby acts uncomfortable then it is possible that it still needs to burp a little more.


Massaging is a great way of bonding and taking care of a newborn. Since babies are very fragile the massage should be very gentle. Massage all bones and joints gently. You could put on music or a song. You can also talk to the baby while giving it a massage. The baby doesn’t understand words, but it will react to positive sounds. You can sing or babble or even recite poetry. Here’s one of the important massaging tips for new mothers: Gentle stretching of the hands and legs can also be done while massaging. 

Cleaning and bathing

The newborn needs to be clean, but you should avoid bathing the child everyday. Bathe the baby 2 or 3 times a week and on the other days give it a sponge bath or a wet towel cleaning. The water should be lukewarm and not hot. If using a bathtub the water should be no more than two or three inches deep. Also don’t use running water. Wash face and scalp with soft cloth. Make sure the room is also not cold and chilly. Use a small amount of soap. 

One more of the important tips for new moms is to take care of the umbilical cord. Experts suggest it should not be touched and it will fall off naturally within a couple of weeks or three. You could dab the umbilical cord gently to dry, if it is wet.

After the bath, wrap the baby up with a warm towel. A hooded towel is ideal to keep all parts of the baby warm after a bath. 


Babies are used to being warm and surrounded to feel safe. Swaddling is a good way of giving them a feeling of security. It has been found that babies sleep well when swaddled. Swaddling is very easy. Take a soft cotton blanket or cloth and fold the top corner where you are going to place the baby's head. Place the baby with head above the fold and shoulders below it. Wrap the left corner and tuck it below the baby under the left arm of the baby. The baby’s right arm is now tucked inside the cloth and the left arm is free. Now take the extra cloth from below the feet and fold it towards the head. If it goes over the face, then fold it back towards the feet. Now take the right corner and tuck it under the right side of the baby. Now the baby’s left arm is also tucked inside the cloth. Many people tie the loose ends of the right corner and the bottom corner. However, the swaddle should be loose and not tight. There should be enough space for your palm to slip in. Advice for new moms: There is no need to swaddle the baby after a couple of months.

Baby Sleep

Most babies don’t sleep at a stretch. If comfortable they may sleep for 2 to 4 hours. Since they are so demanding you will feel as if you are catering to their needs all the time. You’ll be surprised to know that they sleep around 15 to 18 hours. However, you should not let them sleep for over 4 hours. Wake them up for a feed else they may have nourishment problems. Babies should sleep on their backs. One of the many tips for new moms is to try and change the position of the baby’s head if the baby has a favorite head position while sleeping. This is to avoid developing a flat spot.

The baby in sight, Always!

Never leave your baby unattended at any time. The little angels will try to toss and turn and you don’t know when they will turn over. Turning over and resting on the stomach could damage the baby's organs. They need at least a few months before you can allow them to do it. One of the common reasons for leaving the baby unattended is going to find something that you forgot somewhere else in the house. Take the baby with you in case it is necessary. At the same time keep everything at hand nearby.

Keep toys away

Toys, including soft toys, rattles and musical toys should be kept away from newborn children. When you use toys to stimulate the baby they should not be kept near the baby when done or when the baby goes to sleep. If you are not near the baby then keep all toys away before moving away from the baby.

Use cotton clothes

Avoid using synthetic clothes. Use natural material for clothes and wraps. Avoid buttons and other fasteners that may hurt the baby. 


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